जानकारी फेसबुक के ज़रिए :-
इतिहासकारों ने मेघ समाज की
उत्पति मेद,
मद्र और
मल्ल जातीय समूह से होना दर्शाया
है। मैं भी इस संभावना को नकारता
नहीं हूँ।
लोगों का उत्कर्ष गांधार
क्षेत्र में हुआ। मेव भी इसी
क्षेत्र से। मल्लों का राज्य
पावा और कुशिनारा में। बौद्ध
साहित्य मल्लों का शासन गांधार
में भी होने का वर्णन करता है।
इस प्रकार से मल्ल और मद्र एक
ही ठहरते है।
ए तवारीख (mujmalu-I
tawarikh) जिसका
परेशियन भाषा में AD
1026 में
अनुवाद हुआ। उसमें मेदों (say
as Megh) और
जाटों के संघर्ष का विवरण
उपलब्द्ध होता है। ये मेद और
जाट बाद में मुस्लमान हिन्दू
और बौद्ध आदि धार्मिक विभागों
मे बंट गए। तवारीख के अनुवाद
में इलियट लिखते है-"Jats
and Meds are... they dwelt Sindh and (on the bank of) the river which
is called Rahar. By the Arabs the Hindus are called Jats. The Meds
held the ascendancy over the jats; and put them to great distress,
which compelled them to take refuge on the other side of the river
Pahan, but being accustomed to the use of boats, they used to cross
the river and made attracts on Meds (Meghs); who were owners of
sheep. It so come to pass that the Jats enfeebled the Meds (meghs),
killed many of them, and plundered their country. The Meds (Meghs)
then become subject to the jats."
discussion goes so on .... if some one have copy of that book it must
be looked into for constricting history of Meghs of that region.
between Jats and Meds (Meghs) settled and arrival of Brahmans in
their territories as told by historians of Sindh-
of that Jat chiefs (seeing the sad state to which Meds were reduced)
made the people of his tribe understand that success was not
constant; that there was a time when the Meds Meghs) attacked Jats
and harassed them, and that the jats had in their turn done the same
with the Meds. He impressed upon their minds the utility of both
tribes living in peace, and then advised the Jats and Meds to send a
few chiefs to wait on king Dajushan, son of Dahrat, and beg of him to
appoint a king, to whose authority both tribes might submit. The
result of this was satisfactory, and his proposition was adopted.
After some discussion they agreed to act upon it, and the emperor
Dajushan nominated his sister Dassal , wife of king Jandrat, a
powerful prince, to rule over the Jats and Meds. Dassal went and took
charge of the country and cities, the particulars of which and of the
wisdom of the princess, are detailed in the origional work. But for
all its greatness and riches and dignity, there was No Brahman or
wise man in the country. She therefore wrote a long letter to her
brother for assistance, who collected 30000 Brahmans from all
Hindustan, and sent them, with all their goods and dependents,to his
sister. There are several discussions and stories about these
brahmans in original work.
A long
time passed before Sindh become flourishing. The origional work gives
a long description of country, its rivers and wonders, and mentions
foundations of cities. The city which the queen made the capital, is
called Askaland. A small portion of country to made over to Jats and
appointed one of them as their chief, his name was Judrat. Similar
arrangements were also made for the Meds:-
Gottra and K.k. Singh Genwa like this.)
Gautam: Above facts are mentioned in Mujmalu-I Tawarikh. Extracts
above are as narrated by Elliot, sir, in the history of India,
1867(Historians of Sindh-volume,1)Pp 4-5. Bharat Bhagat sir is
requested to tally with rajatarangini to ascertain dates and
your history- ब्राह्मणों
ने दाहिर की पत्नी को कासिम
को सौंपा-
Chachnama;edited by Sir H M Elliot; pp84-85
relations of Dahir are betrayed by the Brahmans"-
is revealed that when none of the relations of Dahir were found among
the prisoners, the inhabitants of the city were questioned respecting
them, But the no one gave any information or hint about them. But the
next date nearly one thousand Brahmans, with shaven heads and beards,
brought before Kasim."
Brahmans come to Muhammad Kasim
Muhammad Kasim saw them, he asked to what army they belonged, and why
they had come in that manner. They replied, O faithful noble, our
king was a Brahman. You have killed him, and have taken his country;
but some of us have faithfully adhered to his ccouse, and have laid
down our lives for him; and the rest, mourning for him; have dressed
themselves in yellow clothes, and have shaved their heads and beards.
As now the Almighty God has given this country into your possession,
we have come submissively to you just Lord, to know what may be your
orders for us. Muhammad Kasim began to think, said, "By my soul
and head, they are good, faithful people. I give them protection, but
on this condition, that they bring hither the dependents of Dahir,
wherever they may be". Thereupon they brought out *Ladi."
wife of King Dahir
पुस्तकों में भिक्षु के लिए
बैकुर या बेकर शब्द भी मिलता
है।बौद्ध भिक्षु हेतु बरामका
शब्द भी मिलता है। बरामक अभी
मुस्लमान है।
इतिहास पुस्तकों और चचनामा
मे बौद्धों के नौविहार मंदिर
का बारम्बार उल्लेख है। नौबहार
मंदिरका मुख्य पुजारी-भिक्षु
बरामक कहा जाता था।
इतिहास पुस्तकों और चचनामा
मे बौद्धों के नौविहार मंदिर
का बारम्बार उल्लेख है। नौबहार
मंदिरका मुख्य पुजारी-भिक्षु
बरामक कहा जाता था।
पुस्तकों में बौद्धों का एक
अन्य संबोधन-
पुस्तकों में बौद्धों का एक
तीसरा नाम मुहम्मिरा भी है,
अर्थ है लाल कपड़े पहनने
इस धर्म
के साधु इसी रंग के कपडे पहनते
थे। वे इसी से पहचाने जाते थे।
मारवाड़ी में इसे मेरुन या
मेहरून कहा गया है। या तो इससे
गेरुएँ रंग से अभिप्राय हो
या केसरिया रंग से।"